Landing page and email design system. In order to reduce development and QA time, we created a digital design system using reusable components and modules in Figma and Contentful.
Typography and colors
Typography and colors
Grid system
Grid system
Page wireframes
Page wireframes
In situ
In situ
Modules: Hero, tabbed
Modules: Hero, tabbed
Module: Steps
Module: Steps
Module: 6 up
Module: 6 up
Module: Testimonials
Module: Testimonials
Module: Stats
Module: Stats
Module: 3 step stacked
Module: 3 step stacked
Module: FAQs
Module: FAQs
GoodRx incentive landing page
About GoodRx section of the website updated in the new brand style and modular design system
Mobile versions of About GoodRx
GoodRx updated Press Room page
Press Kit download page
Marketing email, desktop and mobile
Formsort quiz
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